Essay: Plukan underground city

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Essay: Plukan underground city

Сообщение Господин ПЖ » 08-01, 19:15


Common and Different

Elements, forming our life have different level of “commonness”.

Each person has something unique in lifestyle.

Small groups of people have their “family traditions” unknown by anybody from outside.

Organizations, like office or sport club have their timetable and accepted pattern.

Cities and areas have clothes stile, special cuisine and special pronunciation

Countries have various politeness regulations, language, architecture, laws, typical family organizing

Film “Kin-Dza-Dza” gets to next level, showing us different planet (Pluk) with its different civilization, which still has much in common with ours! It even has some of typical for Earth features more developed and some features that look completely different, but thinking person can see that root is the same.

This sleight helps us to see ourselves from the side, as different other forms of art from Aesop’s fables about speaking animals to books of Ray Bradbury and cartoon Futurama.

Elements have also different nature. Some are reasoned by natural and economical reasons: ...Some appeared after a concurrence of cases:...

Analysis of alternative civilization of galaxy Kin-Dza-Dza where people are similar to ones on Eath, but history went slightly different, we can divide: what in his culture appeared by twist of fate and what follows from human essence, climate and economy.

Though social system on Pluk is different from any of existing on Earth, we can see signs of familiar systems, feelings and occurrences, such as social differentiation symbolized by clothes and behavior, enjoying art, demonstration sexual attraction, keeping memory about dead people, but shown in different way. For an example , cemetery on Pluk is a field of transparent balloons, filled with last exhalation of a dead persons, tied to the ground.

City features.

Plukan underground city is different from typical Earth city, firstly protagonists from Earth refuse to believe that what they see is a city, as it very different from cities they used to. It is situated in old industrial underground structure adapted to new needs, it’s dark, and its inhabitants look strange. If you are above the city on surface of desert you don’t even guess that small old metal house is in fact entrance to the city. All structures above ground level were destroyed ore seriously damaged by wars with other civilizations. Besides, life above ground is uncomfortable because of bright sun and tons of sand and dangerous because of possibility of new attacks.


In the same time Plukan city suffices all requirements, which make people to built cities: it envelopes trade, culture, government, communication and information centers. Public areas, remind contemporary clubs and exhibition centers in non-functioning factories. Market and “music hall” aren’t isolated from transport and pedestrian ways. Protagonists see from the loft Plucans “selling everything” and watching music-acrobatic show.

Аватара пользователя
Господин ПЖ
Губернатор планеты Плюк
Губернатор планеты Плюк
Сообщения: 3730
Зарегистрирован: 06-06, 12:40
Откуда: Планета Плюк, 215 в Тентуре, галактика Кин-дза-дза в Спирали

Сообщение Господин ПЖ » 18-01, 22:36

We don’t see any residences in the City. We neither see any local shops, schools, kindergartens.

We don’t see any kids at all on streets-corridors of the city. We might assume that development of transportation systems made it possible for all levels of Plukan society to live in remote residences of various forms and come to the city just for work and entertainment.


City is a place where you can meet wealthy people, consuming goods and entertainment provided there. In some époques rich people on Earth preferred to live in a city, but with development of transportation it became unnesesary. Same tendency to remote residence, but on other planet is seeing on Pluk, as their vehicles are even more advanced than ours Plukans have an amazing development of trans-planetarian transportation that makes the entire galaxy to be used as one city, but only by rich Plucans. As wealth of Plukans is very unequal, the idea of “city” has various meanings for them. For poor Plukans city is just one underground structure. Wealthy Plukans are even not really Plukans: they can wake up on Pluk, take a bath on next planet and go to work on third one. Development of transportation makes the world more compressed. It influences the social system and creates one more impetus for earning money: possibility to include bigger area in own idea of the home city.

As many of Earth cities (but not all of them) Plukan city includes industrial object: factory to produce water of lutc. Lutc is a fuel produced of water. Apparently Plukans elaborated too much water into Lutc so now they have to organize reverse process.


So, workers from the factory also find place in Plukan city, completing the mixture of all levels of Plukan society, meeting each other and interacting on narrow pedestrian galleries or in city transport. Main feature of Plukan society in a strong social determination, supported by millenarian power (ecilops). It is based on race (Patcak or Chetlanin) and wealth.Pluk is Chetlanian planet, so Patcaks have to greet Chetlanins with one or double “Ku” according to their wealth.

Big population turns Plukan city into the center of crime, as it happens with Earth cities also. In the beginning of trip dyadya Vova and Fiddler are robbed by smugglers.


But in the same time from the beginning of film protagonists perceive city as a rescue. The first thing they ask aliens to do for them-is to get them to the city, as a centre of various possibilities: to get food, to find way back to Earth.

As most of world capitals, Plukan city if full of control. Protagonists pass several checkpoints on their short way from entrance to Planetarium (information-communication centre).It’s not clear what do ecilopps check, but may be just collect information and look for something suspicious as cameras of CCTV in London.

Prison is also situated in the city. Citizens are taken there mostly because of political reasons.

Strong control is one of reasons why some citizens prefer to live in hidden houses fare from the city. Citizens, “eating kasha against the low” and Kir criticising dictator PJ live in suburbs. Personality cult of PJ is much stronger in the city, where every word can be easily heard by denunciators.

As “the right to swing my fist ends where the other man’s nose begins” (Oliver Wendell Holmes) there is always less freedom in a city because off 5 000- 30 000 noses on square kilometer, though there are more possibilities.

Citizens in Plukan city are often in very cramped conditions and don’t show any dissatisfaction about it. There life is too hard to find place for self-esteem. Or, may be, luck of self-esteem doesn’t let them built better life.
Аватара пользователя
Господин ПЖ
Губернатор планеты Плюк
Губернатор планеты Плюк
Сообщения: 3730
Зарегистрирован: 06-06, 12:40
Откуда: Планета Плюк, 215 в Тентуре, галактика Кин-дза-дза в Спирали

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